Intended for EU healthcare professionals only. The information on this website is not country-specific. This is an international disease awareness campaign.
In vitro IL-17 expression by CD4 and CD8 T-cells in peripheral blood and peri-entheseal bone was measured following 72 hours stimulation with anti-CD3 & CD28 (100 ng/ml). Error bars representative of the mean with range.
This work is funded in collaboration with UCB who provided support and access for CyTOF work.
CD: cluster of differentiation; CyTOF: cytometry by time of flight; IL: interleukin; SpA: spondyloarthritis; TNF: tumour necrosis factor.
1. McDermott N et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023;82(Suppl 1):1184. Abstract AB0011.